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Hello~ Everybody!

    As we know, The KSC M4A1 Gas Blowback Carbine is most Popular and Powerful GBB System.
But the Paint Coating Receiver was so lame and Scrap...

    Now, Guarder Provide You a Perfect Custom Plan. On KSC Original Aluminum Receiver Base,
After disassembly all KSC M4A1 GBB PARTS. Our Professional Gunsmith will take the Upper &
 Lower Receiver to Processing Factory. The Basic Step is revert the Oringial Colt’s Marking more Deep,
 and Spray Sand Processing. After these Steps, More Important is Anodized Aluminum Processing.

This is the KSC M4A1 Original Receiver

You can see what diffenent between the Original & Custom receiver.

Now, Take Look the Effect After Processing

The Anodized Aluminum Processing more Gray and Beatuiful

Even the inside getting more Smooth

Not only the Receiver, The Buttstock Tube also Anodized.

Improve the Original Surface Rough Problem.

This is KSC M4 GBB DD Custom Version

 If You Want a Perfect M4 GBB, The Guarder Custom Version is your First Choice


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